Monday, October 1, 2012

Taken the Words Right Out of My Mouth


"People are often unreasonable and self centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people might be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
Mother Teresa (via katiieemariiee)

I usually don’t post religious opinions on this blog, but I’ll make an acception [sic] for this!
(via cheisdeadgetoverit)

[from tumblr blog Common Sense People] 

It's interesting that I found this quote today. I do not know much about Mother Teresa, but wasn't she catholic? *shrugs* I've always been of the Protestant sect of Christianity, so I wouldn't know or outright care. But besides all that, her words here are very much what I live by every single day. People are jerks, rude, bias, and greedy. That doesn't mean I have to be too. It's because of people who aren't like Mother Teresa says, I'm the person who is "nice" amongst my friends. I don't want to be like them.
Being nice isn't easy. I had a friend tell me that, and she strongly suggested that I shouldn't be. Well, tough. The world doesn't care; I do. I care about others and I want them to be happy. And I find happiness in helping others and being a pleasant human being to be around. Being nice isn't easy, but, it is MUCH more rewarding than being the A-hole who lies, steals and kills all for personal gain. Why do something just for yourself, when you can do so MUCH more by simply smiling at a stranger when you go out, or helping someone who fell/dropped something.

An example (maybe not the best) of the price of being kind, I suggest watching PAY IT FORWARD directed by Mimi Leder. If you cannot find this movie, try reading its IMDb page or skimming Wikipedia. I think it may be available on Netflix.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ramblings Since it's Been a While

So I was checking out some statistics on my blog on my dash board, and I found something interesting. There is a map that listed where people have come from when they're viewing my blog. I don't know how often that map is updated or how accurate it is, but there were two countries I saw that were selected. One country appears to have been France and the other was a rather large country I was unfamiliar with. Pulling up a different map, it seems to be the Ukraine! Wow. I have met a girl from France who liked my drawings, but I didn't know anyone in Ukraine would be interested. Viele dank! 

It kind of makes me sad that I pulled my drawings off of this blog, but I think it was the better choice. There were some awkward parts in there where I was trying to cater to my German interest with internet translations; completely making a fool of myself with the random garbage I was making out of someone else's language. I don't want to repeat that again, and I won't. Nie mehr! I really do hope to improve my German, but I'll be using my own words and my second grade-level vokabular.
I might post some doodles randomly on this blog as it's no longer my focus and if my posts are sparse. For now, I still hold to it that this will now be my writing blog and not art blog. I am still interested in a tumblr account, but I do not think I will get one. You can still find my art at my deviantArt with the username bunny-katzen. There is a widget on the right that pans across my latest submissions to that gallery. I also have a full time job, ich habe einen Job. Keine Zeit. Right now I am trying to adjust being away from my home forty hours a week and finding some time in there for my own personal time drawing and writing.

Thanks for coming here and reading my post! Have a good week! Tschüs!

Don't be fooled by the icon by the deviantart widget, that's not my icon. I don't know what that is (ha!)

My latest Reads:

TwoKinds Web Comic

Fox Sister Web Comic

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Out with the Old, In with the New

Hey Guys (mainly the people who still come here [if any ever really did! You never talked to me :c]) I have sad news. Of course you might have noticed, I have deleted all my posts. It's been really nice having this blog, and I'm glad when I catch a friend saying the found it, but it's not working out. I'm starting over and this blog is momentarily not "active." Right now I'm mostly focused on my school work and I can't update my blog and my Deviant page as well as do my other daily things. In the past I have made promises, and most I didn't keep. That's not something I want to do anymore. So it's good bye for now, but I'll be back. I make no promise of when, but I won't completely abandon my blog for good ;)

What to expect: WRITING! I don't know if you ever saw on my old posts, but I have always something to say. I'm really interested in being a writer and an illustrator for my works. I might start to trickle my writings from College and such onto here instead of my art (that can stay on dA for now). I dn't post much of any of my writing on dA, so I think this would be a nice "house" for it!

I am also considering creating a Tumblr (lowercase t?) since that's a platform a lot of people seem to be on. Tumblr seems like it will offer me more feed back than this blog ever did, and supplement what I get from dA. If, and if, I get a Tumblr, I will still keep this blog and my dA account, so don't worry about me leaving everything behind.

This is Lemon and Cream, my newest bunnies!

Bis Später! Tschüss!