Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Out with the Old, In with the New

Hey Guys (mainly the people who still come here [if any ever really did! You never talked to me :c]) I have sad news. Of course you might have noticed, I have deleted all my posts. It's been really nice having this blog, and I'm glad when I catch a friend saying the found it, but it's not working out. I'm starting over and this blog is momentarily not "active." Right now I'm mostly focused on my school work and I can't update my blog and my Deviant page as well as do my other daily things. In the past I have made promises, and most I didn't keep. That's not something I want to do anymore. So it's good bye for now, but I'll be back. I make no promise of when, but I won't completely abandon my blog for good ;)

What to expect: WRITING! I don't know if you ever saw on my old posts, but I have always something to say. I'm really interested in being a writer and an illustrator for my works. I might start to trickle my writings from College and such onto here instead of my art (that can stay on dA for now). I dn't post much of any of my writing on dA, so I think this would be a nice "house" for it!

I am also considering creating a Tumblr (lowercase t?) since that's a platform a lot of people seem to be on. Tumblr seems like it will offer me more feed back than this blog ever did, and supplement what I get from dA. If, and if, I get a Tumblr, I will still keep this blog and my dA account, so don't worry about me leaving everything behind.

This is Lemon and Cream, my newest bunnies!

Bis Später! Tschüss!